Several of the submissions, including those of the Liberal Party, Mr Gordon, Mr Waddell, and Mr Dawson, have argued that the draft redistribution is flawed, in that, if there is a 50:50 split of the two-party preferred vote at the next election, it would see the Labor Party secure 28 seats and the Liberal Party 18 seats, not counting Frome. It is argued that this should be rectified.
The Commission proposes to sit on Wednesday, 28 September 2016, in court room 9, of the Roma Mitchell Commonwealth Law Courts Building 3 Angas Street, Adelaide, from 11am, to hear further submissions on this matter.
Submissions will be taken only from parties or persons who have provided a response to the Draft Report AND who advise the Secretary of their wish to make submissions by Monday, 26 September 2016, at 5pm.
As an alternative to making oral submissions on that day, the Commission will accept a written submission from any such party or person on this question, provided it is received no later than Friday, 14 October, 2016 at 5 pm.
The Commission is aware that many of the persons who have responded to the Draft Report have already addressed this question and may not wish to add to what has been put.
The Secretary, Mr John Aquilina, can be contacted at